The Imaginary Bomb

A novel by B.W. Richardson. Narrated by Warren Bluhm.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Podcast producer's note

Brian Richardson claims he was conceived to the Beach Boys' Pet Sounds, which means he was born no earlier than 1967, but every so often he comes out with a comment about the late 1960s and early '70s that could only be made by someone who was there, so I think he just likes the image that the first thing he heard as a zygote was the strains of "I Just Wasn't Made For These Times."

As a writer he's a little more brash than I am, but not excessively so, and we seem to see the universe through similar eyes, so it probably is natural that we'd collaborate on a project like this. As an incurable editor, I've suggested a tweak or two in the dialogue and some of the themes, but this is primarily the novel that Samantha heard on B.W.'s couch lo, these 18 years ago. It's hard to believe this nifty little story has been sitting in a box in B.W.'s basement all this time, but then again, I'm a born procrastinator, too, so I can imagine how it may have happened.

It's been nine years since last I played with recording equipment and reading out loud, so please forgive any awkward pauses or inexact edits. This is strictly a homemade production but hopefully won't sound too much like one.

The theme music is a recording I made back in 1982 of an instrumental I named "Shadazar" after Robert E. Howard's immortal city of decadence. I am a frustrated rock star who has all the tools needed for stardom except a voice, musical ability and a desire to sing in front of a crowd, but at least that hasn't stopped me from laying my little ditties down on tape, and now on CD. Someday maybe I'll put them out there for download and see if I can't make a few pennies. The opening and closing strains of The Imaginary Bomb podcast will be w.p. bluhm the musician's international debut.

As a frustrated writer myself - you should see the novels and short stories I hide under my own bushel baskets - I'm proud to help B.W. get his effort out to an audience. Maybe if this is a success, we'll follow up with some of my own work. But one step at a time. First let's get this spaceship fired up and ready to be hijacked by government agents who are transporting - oops, let's not get ahead of ourselves.


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