Imaginary Bomb #5: Chapters 16-18

Chapter 17: Matt, Todd and Walter. Bob chats with the other two remaining members of Linda's gang, and has a conversation with Walter as the Betsy Ross approaches Earth.
Chapter 18: 12 seconds from home. Our stalwart crew drops Linda and company off on the moon, head for Seattle, and get one more surprise.
Watch for Chapters 19-21 in just a few days, followed by our grand finale - we'll be packaging the climactic six chapters in one big concluding episode.
On behalf of B.W. Richardson and myself, I want to thank you for hanging with us so far in our little adventure. If you're so inclined, please remember to vote for The Imaginary Bomb at Podcast Alley - you need to re-vote after the 1st of every month. Thanks!
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