The Imaginary Bomb

A novel by B.W. Richardson. Narrated by Warren Bluhm.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Imaginary Bomb #11: Chapter 26

Chapter 26: The power of the imaginary bomb. In which we get a detailed look at what happens if you set off one of these puppies.

Author's note: When I started writing The Imaginary Bomb, I had two little scraps of words. First, I had an opening sentence, "The ship was rushing through space at twice the speed of imagination." I started fleshing out in my mind what that first sentence could mean, and I thought about moving spaceships through the use of "imaginary physics," that is, vessels operating by imagination as a power source. When I thought about how through history, new technology has usually been converted into weaponry, I realized I had my title and a hazard for my heroes: The Imaginary Bomb. Finally, I started thinking about what an imaginary bomb could do, and what came to mind eventually became the last paragraph of Chapter 26. Writing the story, then, became an exercise in linking the first sentence to that paragraph. Out of that exercise sprang Bob Whelan, Pete Wong, Linda Franco and Walter, Lt. Joshua True and, last but certainly not least, Baxter Hetznecker. I hope you've had as much fun hearing about their adventure as I did when they first jumped out of my keyboard. -- B.W. Richardson

Here are links to the two Web sites mentioned in the closing remarks:
Out of Step - Wally Conger (and his review of The I-Bomb)
Sunni Maravillosa and the Conspirators

And be here again Wednesday night for the final chapter, a few random announcements and a lovely parting gift.


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